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I am a Photojournalist, Filmmaker and Communications Specialist and a Press member of The National Union of Journalists (NUJ).
My name is Fellipe Lopes, 38 years old, an immigrant from Brazil based Ireland for the last 12 years. I am a Photojournalist with focus on Human Rights, Environmental Issues, Education, and Art Projects. I have directed and reported photo essays and documentaries on human rights and environmental injustices for global organisations such as WWF Brazil, SOS Amazon, ICM Bio Brazil, IMC Acre, Forest Foundation, Irish Environment Network, Pieta House, World Vision, European Environmental Bureau, Rediscovery Center Concern Worldwide, Oxfam Ireland, Hope Project Greece, Mosaik Support Center, Legal Center Lesvos, Medical Volunteers International, Sea Watch and other NGO's + Media outlets, striving to protect our future and report the injustices around the world, such as Al Jazeera+, Irish Examiner, Hot Press, The Journal, News Talk, Cassandra Voices, Mídia Ninja Brasil, NieuwWij Holland, Globo Brazil and more + a bunch of art projects that I have worked with, such as Creative Ireland, Lay of the Land, Another Love Story Music Festival, Inside Out Project and more + artists and musicians that through art are looking to express and communicate sensations and interpretations of this era.
In 2024 I was working as a Media and Campaigns Coordinator for the Freedom Flotilla Coalition. My role consisted on engagement with international media outlets, international human rights organizations and stakeholders. As part of the media team, I also created visual content, photography, video interviews and general material for the media and internal and external communication. Alongside holding the fundamental role of Press and Media Officer, I acted as the representative of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition aboard the ship Handala, where I coordinated the operational crew, the project onboard and goals of the campaign. engaging and liaising with stakeholders and partners organisations, and leading the organisation advocacy in events at ports and official meetings with members of the local State.
From July 2022 until June 2024 I worked as Communications and Engagement Coordinator for the Immigrant Council of Ireland, an Independent Law Centre that have been working to provide assistance to people from a migrant background, improving and protecting their rights since it’s establishment in 2001. I was responsible for leading the organization's key communication activities (digital and traditional public relations) and supporter engagement strategy, helping to achieve the Immigrant Council's organizational objectives, raising awareness of ICI, its activities and building relationships with donors and funders.I was responsible for leading the organization's key communication activities (digital and traditional public relations) and supporter engagement strategy, helping to achieve the Immigrant Council's organizational objectives, raising awareness of ICI, its activities and building relationships with donors and funders.
In September 2023, I was deployed to be the Field Media Coordinator with Sea Watch and its operations with Airbourne, Sea-Bird 1 and Sea-Bird 2. Based in Lampedusa, Italy, the focus of this operation was to report boats in distress at the Mediterranean Sea and to report human rights violations. My operations as FMC, supported the communications and advocacy work conducted by the team in Germany. Another important activity is reporting on the conditions that thousands of migrants face upon arrival in Lampedusa, inside and outside the refugee camp.
In 2021, I was shortlisted and nominated for the Irish Red Cross Humanitarian Award, with my report published on Hot Press about a refugee from Syria, living in Lesbos, Greece
Latest published articles and reports:
Al Jazeera (AJ+): First Global Anti-Apartheid Conference, an initiative to coordinate the efforts of the international civil resistance of Palestine.
From Istanbul, I reported the challenges that the Freedom Flotilla Coalition faced on the attempt on Sailing to Gaza. to deliver over 5.5 tons of Humanitarian aid to the Palestinian People.
’’Freedom Flotilla and Gaza: The Fight Goes On! ‘‘.
While working in Lampedusa in Italy I reported the situation from the ground.
‘‘Humanitarian Crisis in Lampedusa: the Situation on the Italian Island Is Critical’’
‘‘When we hear about 'refugees' or 'migrants', remember these are real people ‘‘
''The poor state of public services in Ireland is not the fault of refugees.''
I also tutored educational programs and workshops with NGOs and Education Institutes, such as EcoUnesco, Dublin Business School, Irish Environmental Network, Sligo Environmental Network, Stand, The Humanist Association of Ireland, Concern Worldwide, and Oxfam Ireland.
I work as a freelance Journalist for media outlets, also, I continue my work as a tutor, participating in lectures and events, raising awareness on the refugee crisis and climate change, through my work as filmmaker and photographer. And of course, my activism and support for social causes is something present in my life, I continue to collaborate voluntarily with organisations and artists who seeks to use art as a way to express themselves.
I am always seeking opportunities to collaborate with socially engaged projects and to contribute meaningfully to the change that needs to happen.
Please take a look around my website and there you will find my photography and video creation portfolio.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you would like to know more about my work please get in touch.
Let’s work together!
Fellipe Lopes.