On this page, we will find a compilation of videos and photos that I have directed and worked with several artists and creators.
Philippa Whiteside - Ceramic Maker
Lancashire-based ceramic maker, Philippa is inspired by nature and seeks emotional well-being. Pip mixes coloured pigments into the clay and incorporates colour psychology. Rolling ups and downs, cycles, hope, despair, and lessons learnt, Pip sees a mirroring between the challenges of working with porcelain and that of emotional well-being. More about Pip's work: https://www.philippawhiteside.com/
Video by Fellipe Lopes.
Elena Yaqubee - ‘’My dreams still fly’’
Elena is a refugee from Afghanistan, she arrived in Lesvos over two years ago and music is her way of expressing her story and her feelings.
Amir Ali - Photographer
Amir Ali was born in Afghanistan, in 1988, in a village in the countryside. He lived there until the age of 8 then because of the civil war Amir and his family were forced to leave and migrate to Tehran, Iran. Later due to the social circumstances in Iran, he was forced to leave once again, and he decided to go to Europe and claim his asylum in Greece. Since then, he has been working as a photographer, and his passion is landscape photography.
Life Live Music - Photos of the concerts by Fellipe Lopes
BIO COLOUR by Kari Cahill
The process of making pigments.
Criolo em Dublin Irlanda - 09/2019
Sabe aqueles momentos que acontecem e ser eternizam? pois bem, show do Criolo em Dublin. Dias pra todo o sempre. Produzi esse trampo no backstage e foi um dia memoravel meus amigos. Foi o registro da resistencia e da luta aqui em Dublin. Gratidão a todo o time do Criolo e ao meu brother Tino Monetti pela conexão, confiança e parceria. Gratidão Criolo.
Scarlet Letter by Pixie Cut Rhythm Orchestra
Video music video I directed in The Liberties, Dublin. The video was for Pixie Cut Rhythm Orchestra in partnership with @anon_records “Scarlet Letter” by Pixie Cut Rhythm Orchestra.
Music by Andrew Mulhall with Anon Records.
SILVA - Documentary - Lay of the Land Project - 2018
I followed 4 Irish artists as they embark on an immersive outdoor art residency titled SILVA which takes place in the forest at Knockomagh Wood, near Lough Hyne, in West Cork, Ireland. The artists spend two weeks immersed in the landscape, producing a powerful, imaginative and considered outdoor public exhibition.
The residency is created by Lay of the Land - an arts organisation creating and curating site responsive art projects throughout Ireland. Lay of the Land believe that the interconnection of art, nature and people can be transformative. Their aim artistically is to drive artists and the experience of art outwards into the wild landscape of this island while creating greater accessibility to the arts in rural communities.
SILVA was supported by The National Parks and Wildlife Services of Ireland, and is funded by The Arts Council of Ireland, Cork County Council, and by the generous donations from their audience.
Music video recorded in Dublin during the pandemic. April 2021.
ALS Crew 2019 - Behind the Scenes
Another Love Story - Festival - Killyon Manor - Meath - Ireland 2019
Ian Monson - Jeweller
Mini doc that I shot for Ian Monson in the streets of Dublin and his jewellery studio. I had a great time seen him work his craft, over coffees and tolls. :)
Caminho de Santiago de Compostela - Desafiando Limites - Mini Documentary
Mini documentário que mostra a trajetória do ultramaratonista Marcio Villar, batendo o recorde dos 820km do Caminho de Santiago de Compostela.
''Tears in Heaven'' - Eric Clapton - by Pablo Lima
Production showing Pablo Lima performing 'Tears in Heaven'' - Eric Clapton in the Estudio7, in São Paulo Brasil.
Direção: Dito Bruzugu e Fellipe Lopes - Roteiro: Dito Bruzugu - Direção de fotografia: Fellipe Lopes - Assistente de fotografia: Amanda Pinheiro - Edição: Fellipe Lopes
Direção de arte: George Naylor - Motion design: Bruno Guedes - Produção: Os Descordantes - Estrelado pelos Descordantes e Thaiana Vasconcelos
Bee Cycles - Dara Hayes
Short video about the bike shop in Dublin 8, Ireland.