On this page, we will find a compilation of videos that I have directed and worked with several organisations and projects, all focused on migration and climate change.
Muhamad and his journey - Life as a refugee in Lesbos Greece
After the new policy between Turkey and the European Union, stating that Turkey is a safe place for refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Somalia, thousands of refugees are still waiting for asylum in Europe. Most of them have received a second rejection. Muhamad is one of those. Back in Syria, he lost his leg and his two sons in the war. After a long journey from Syria to Lesbos, he lives in a support house, where he has been waiting for almost a year for a complex surgical medical procedure on his leg, and a resolution in his case. The rest of his family awaits in Syria. This story represents the struggle of thousands of refugees in Greece.
Published on Hot Press: https://www.hotpress.com/culture/film-premiere-muhameds-journey-as-a-refugee-in-lesbos-greece-22866011
and NieuwWij: https://www.nieuwwij.nl/actueel/zwolse-werkgroep-doet-oproep-bied-vluchtelingen-onderdak/
This report was nominated and shortlisted for the Irish Red Cross Humanitarian Award in November 2021.
TEXTILE MOUNTAIN: The Hidden Burden of our Fashion Waste
A documentary filmed by Fellipe Lopes and Produced by Caitriona Rogerson.
We in Europe throw away 2 million tonnes of textiles each year. But do we know what happens to our clothing when we donate them to charity shops and textile recycling banks? Up to 70% of our donated clothing are baled, sold and exported overseas to sub-Saharan Africa for re-sale in local markets. This short documentary looks at the ‘afterlife’ of our clothes, tracing our donated garments from textile recycling banks in Europe to landfills and waterways in the Global South. It encourages us to rethink how we make, wear and reuse our clothes for a more sustainable future for all. It’s time to #SlowDownFashion – we need to think before we buy!
In addition to large scale international media coverage (BBC, RAI, The Journal), the film also served as a case study for several international organisations and educational platforms that focus research and actions on the subject, such as: Concern Worldwide, Oxafam Ireland, State University of New York, University of Lisbon, Cambridge University, EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal, Fashion Revolution (several countries) and several schools in Ireland.
This film was financed by the ‘‘Europe Sustainable for All’’ and funded by the European Union, and was made in partnership with the Irish Environmental Network.’
More infos: https://www.textilemountainfilm.com/
Ukrainian shares experience living with Irish Hosts
Video directed for Helping Irish Hosts by Fellipe Lopes
Zhanna Lozovinska left her city of Kyiv due to the war in Ukraine and came to Ireland. When she was leaving her home country, she didn't know what to expect as she moved to Ireland. Through the help of some friends, she was able to connect with a host family in Ireland. Zhanna shares her story and experience living with an Irish family and how it's changed her. Video directed for Helping Irish Hosts by Fellipe Lopes
Elèna Santioli - Message to the ''Festival of Solidarity'' in Florence
Video created for Legal Center Lesvos and Refugee Legal Support.
Elèna Santioli is a Case Worker at LCL and RLS, and she was invited to the Festival of Solidarity in Florence, she took the opportunity to speak about the unacceptable context of the Greek islands.
International jurist with a Double degree in Law issued by Sorbonne University, Elèna Santioli specializes in the Fight against Child Trafficking as well as Immigration and Asylum Law. She co-founded in Paris the organization Réfugiés Bienvenue and collaborated in Dakar, Senegal, with the International Organization for Migration. She worked in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and Federal Iraq with Première Urgence Internationale, and in Samos, Greece, with Avocats Sans Frontières France. She is currently based in Lesvos where she collaborates as caseworker with Legal Center Lesvos and coordinates a project for Refugee Legal Support aiming at providing free legal assistance to asylum seekers in need. Due to her pluriannual commitment in favor of the most vulnerable, the Deputy Mayor of Florence, her hometown, offered her an award and invited her to take part in a public event taking place in Florence on November 12th, 2021, aimed at celebrating Solidarity under multiple perspectives. Elèna took this opportunity to give voice to these invisible migrants trying to reach Europe through extremely dangerous journeys and to denounce the human rights violations being perpetrated for many years now by Greek authorities and Europe’s inaction.
#SafePassage #RefugeeSolidarity #2021
A short video reminder, for 2021, that Safe Passage and solidarity with refugees and asylum seekers is still urgently needed.
Words by Caoimhe Butterly - Video and photos by Fellipe Lopes
Circular Economy - Short docs Produced in partnership with the Rediscovery Center - ACER (Advancing the Circular Economy in Ireland through Social Enterprise)
Check the publication: http://www.rediscoverycentre.ie/acer-advancing-the-circular-economy-in-ireland-through-social-enterprise/
The Rediscovery Centre | ACER
RWN : Roscommon Women's Network | ACER
An Mheitheal Rothar | ACER
Northside Community Enterprises | ACER
Social & Environmental | ACER
Foodcloud | ACER
Recycle IT | ACER
‘‘WAITING’’ - Project
Over 6000 people are waiting for some sort of decision on their case on the island of Lesbos. ''Waiting'' is a condition that those people are forced to be in. Waiting is a common word said by the refugees. Waiting has become a painful feeling. The question is: waiting for how long?
Video by Fellipe Lopes ( @fellipelopes.7 ) and text by Bartholomew Ryan ( @loafing_hero )
Food Distribution at Hope Project
Food is a basic human right. The Hope Project is founded on the principles of dignity, compassion, freedom and safety for all.
Volunteers at Hope Project
Philippa Kempson talks about the Hope project, it’s current role and the incredible people who work there.
Clothes distribution at Hope Project
Philippa Kempson talks about the Hope Project clothes distribution both how it started and how it evolved due to Covid-19.
Positive Sexual Health Conference & Youth Summit
Video by Fellipe Lopes in partnership with We the People.
Positive Sexual Health and Youth Summit promotional video with information on a campaign to change the Education Act to ensure sex education is holistic, factual and inclusive of the needs of all young people.
Photos by Fellipe Lopes
Climate Change Strike Dublin - 20/09/2019
Photos by Fellipe Lopes
SOS Skibbereen - 2019
Video by Fellipe Lopes in partnershit with SOS Skibbereen, Cre8 sustainability and Lay of the Land Project
Have you heard that there is a Plastic Factory proposed for Skibbereen? Yes you read that right. The local community (SOS -Save our Skibbereen) have been fighting this tooth and nail over the past year. Where's the case at the moment? In the last couple of weeks, the permission has been quashed but not 100%... It has now been remitted - in a way returned - to An Bord Pleanála. The reason? There was no Environmental Impact Report commissioned for any effects on Natura sites - Lough Hyne, Roaring Water Bay, Toe Head to Sheeps Head - all within 15KM of the factory. Yes you read that right too... No Environmental Imapct Report! None.
This is an area very close to my heart. We Artists with LAY OF THE LAND -Tombolo have been going there for years to make art and to have our creative hearts blown open and our souls buffeted by the wind. It is a haven for us all and we have made many friends there... some human, some non human. 🌿🦋💨🌫
This year during our project TOMBOLO we made a special activation... completely clearing the Galley Cove with a community beach clean up. Then we sent a message to Bord Pleanala from our community using our cold sandy hands: no plastic factory here or anywhere! And a message to Save Our Skibbereen... keep going, we stand with you!
Brasileiro supera doença e bate recorde no Caminho de Santiago
Ultramaratonista que enfrentou doença grave se lançou em mais um desafio: completar o caminho de Santiago de Compostela, na Espanha.
Link: http://g1.globo.com/fantastico/noticia/2017/10/brasileiro-supera-doenca-e-bate-recorde-no-caminho-dos-peregrinos.html
Link: https://catracalivre.com.br/viagem-livre/brasileiro-bate-recorde-do-caminho-de-santiago-e-vira-filme/?fbclid=IwAR2HBvCntgJ3-ivwoc4lX4fhax70AV1VEHiksA1D-fA_gK0hR8Jrj9VOB7c
Link: http://g1.globo.com/fantastico/noticia/2017/10/ultramaratonista-brasileiro-tenta-bater-recorde-do-caminho-de-santiago.html
Vida Arte Seringueira - Documentário
As vidas de Gilberto Silva e Raimundo Nonato, artesãos, tem se construido com respeito e admiração pela floresta, ensinamento percorrido por anos na Reserva Extrativista Cazumbá-Iracema, localizada em Sena Madureira. A área de 750 mil hectares de floresta, totalmente protegidas, abriga diversos trabalhos de preservação e geração de renda, uma das principais atividades é a arte com o látex da seringueira.
Gilberto e Raimundo contam, no documentário "Cazumbá-Iracema - Arte da Floresta", suas histórias e como aprenderam que a natureza traz respeito e união para a comunidade em que vivem.
Acre - Amazon - Brasil
Cidade do Povo - Governo do Acre
Video produced in the State of Acre in Brazil, showing the social houses project and how it’s been helping families.
Origens - Aldeia Indigena Yawanawa
Short Documentary in Amazon Brazil, made for the COP21.
A imersão em busca das origens. Depois de 5 horas de carro e 9 horas de barco cheguei na Aldeia Indigena Yawanawa para apreciar o Festival Yawa, e conhecer de perto a cultura indígena e todo seu universo de detalhes e mistérios. Intensidade, verdade e cultura define o povo Yawanawa.
Gratidão. Dias que ficarão para todo o sempre!
Sustainable Innovation Forum 2015 - COP21 - Paris - France
I did the photography direction for the videos that were shown at COP21 / 2015 in France. I worked with an audiovisual production team and environmental professionals. It was a project that happened in 2 months, traveling through various parts of the Amazon region, visiting indigenous villages and sustainable projects with cooperatives and people seeking a sustainable balance in the Amazon region.
Projected funded by KFW and SOS Amazonia.