Video by Fellipe Lopes
Have you heard that there is a Plastic Factory proposed for Skibbereen? Yes you read that right. The local community (SOS -Save our Skibbereen) have been fighting this tooth and nail over the past year.
Where's the case at the moment?
In the last couple of weeks, the permission has been quashed but not 100%... It has now been remitted - in a way returned - to An Bord Pleanála.
The reason? There was no Environmental Impact Report commissioned for any effects on Natura sites - Lough Hyne, Roaring Water Bay, Toe Head to Sheeps Head - all within 15KM of the factory. Yes you read that right too... No Environmental Imapct Report! None.
This is an area very close to my heart. We Artists with LAY OF THE LAND -Tombolo have been going there for years to make art and to have our creative hearts blown open and our souls buffeted by the wind. It is a haven for us all and we have made many friends there... some human, some non human. 🌿🦋💨🌫
This year during our project TOMBOLO we made a special activation... completely clearing the Galley Cove with a community beach clean up. Then we sent a message to Bord Pleanala from our community using our cold sandy hands: no plastic factory here or anywhere! And a message to Save Our Skibbereen... keep going, we stand with you!